My Ticker

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday weigh-in!

Starting weight          372 lbs. on 12/5/11  I'm in week 11
last weeks weight      326.1
This weeks weight     324.7  WTH!
Loss of 1.4 lbs for the week  Total loss of 47.   oh the hell with the point, I'm rounding up to 48!

I'm a little disappointed with the 1.4 lbs. I had a fill on Tuesday and since then I haven't met my calorie goal and I've been a little light on the protein too. Maybe that is the problem. It didn't help that yesterday we were hit with a snowstorm and I decided that sitting on my butt in front of the fire getting caught up on some shows I haven't seen in while was a good idea. It probably wasn't.  I also decided my kids needed a snack when they came in from outside and made a pan of Rice Crispy Treats, since I thought I don't really care for them...............once they cool and get "crispy". But when the marshmallows are still soft and gooey and you pat them in the pan. I could stick my head in there and inhale them. I didn't mind you, but I could of...........ok, ok, I did have a tablespoon of them. But sheesh, I looked it up on myfitnesspal. com  for a 2 inch square its 140 calories. It even has 1 gram of protein! I know I sucked at drinking my water yesterday so I'm going to blame it on that! I go back to the gym today to meet with my trainer and after Tuesday I'm sure she's not going to go easy on me! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


  1. hey a loss is a loss! Great job noticing the hidden calories in that nibble of rice krispy. I was watching Dr. OZ last night and he went over how nibbles are adding extra calories we don't count

  2. I am a new follower Drazil sent me and I look forward to following you!

  3. So excited to have found you! I too was banded in 11/2009 and have lost 154 pounds, in fact I am 2 weeks out of my Plastic Sugery :) You can do this! I know its not always easy but you can do this! Looking forward to following you more!!

  4. Hello! I am a new follower (through the lovely Drazil). Happy to follow a new friend! And congratulations on that 1.4 lb loss! Big or small, a loss is a victory... You don't want that 1.4 lbs BACK, right? =]

  5. I love Rice Krispies when they are warm too...unfortunately, I love them cold too. So, if I make them, I eat them :)

  6. I am a new follower, Draz sent me over...1.4 lbs is great! I am sure you'll keep that ;)

  7. Hi there, new follower. Draz sent me over! Looking forward to getting to know you!
